For the businessman, choosing the means to manage his affairs is particularly important. With means we obviously refer to the subject, which can be “individual” or “collective”. Choosing the right type of company is therefore very important, for the patrimonial safeguard of the single partner, for fiscal conveniences and for the management of relations inside the company itself.
The recent corporate law reform has also added 2 new options and possibilities businesses can make use of, and the reformed text has certainly explained several points that until today were made certain only in consequence of sentences by the Supreme Court of Cassation.
When starting a business, or during the life of the business itself, choosing between limited liability and general partnership can make quite the difference. This choice can’t solely be based on the objective characteristics of the different type of company, it has to be based on the business that is being or has been created, single partners’ personal assets, expected income and many other variables.
Corporate consulting also implies the knowledge of any other corporate transaction forced or allowed by law: from corporate transformations to closure, fusion, corporate demerger, etc.
Just like anything else, the judicial system is also going through a globalization process, therefore some events, such as founding European companies, transferring companies from one country to another, makes knowledge in the field of corporate law of every single country in the EU even more important.
If we were to look at the statistics on how many companies are “collective” and how many are “individual”, it wouldn’t be too hard to notice that the first ones outnumber the latter ones. This has made legislators create regulations, both civil and penal, with particular attention towards collective companies. This can be seen in the tax field, with benefits on operations that are inclined towards capital concentration and inspection. This can also be seen with the severity of the regulations that punish the lack of transparency in financial statements.
Our firm follows this activity with the direct involvement of its senior partner Claudio Pucci and of its legal department .