Administrative Services

As we know there’s an abundant amount of bureaucracy in our country, and where there’s bureaucracy there’s always someone who needs help getting over an obstacle like enrolling a company, acquiring a license, collection notice inspections and so on and so forth.

Therefore it is necessary to create a support for the client to help him get over these obstacles following the case from the very beginning to the end result, hoping for it to be positive.

For Studio Pucci Associati this support has always existed and today, for the ever increasing promptness requested, we assign a professional expert to client, the procedure is assigned to a specific operator and is processed within the given time frame (usually really short) analyzing the answers, possible document addition or clarifications and finally the result. This whole procedure is monitored by a digital system that shows its state, the operator assigned to the procedure and the end result. The client can trace the process and the developments through the secure area of the firm’s server which can be accessed with the client’s credentials.

The client usually doesn’t pay too much attention to administration services, but he should. We may sound presumptuous, but unfortunately the results often given by public administrations, that usually work with superficiality and don’t value the citizen’s needs, are not to be trusted. A procedure that has been thoroughly processed compared to one that isn’t treated with the right attention, is quite different.

And, with no arrogance, Studio Pucci Associati believes to be an essential assistant for the client’s relations with the public administration.


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